世界热头条丨哥伦比亚公使:贵州正成为绿色发展的引领者 | Colombian Minister: Guizhou is becoming a leader in green development
“来到贵州,就像回到了家。” "IfeelathomeinGuizhou "仲春时节,哥伦比亚驻华大使馆公使何塞·迪亚兹来
"I feel at home in Guizhou."
In mid-spring, Jose Francisco Diaz Ulloa, Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia, came to Zunyi to attend the first "International Dialogue on Stories of Global Development" conference. The delegation went to several counties such as Chishui, Renhuai, and Meitan to do the international visit under the theme of "Protecting the Blue Planet: International Youth Tour to Guizhou". The green mountains and lucid water, the fragrance of tea and the vast bamboo forest, and the colorful folk custom greatly fascinated him.
Mr. and Mrs. Diaz experienced the ancient paper-making technique.
"Guizhou has a sea of tea and Colombia has a sea of coffee," said Mr. Diaz. Both "seas" offer beauty and economic value, bringing great benefits for the locals from the good ecological environment.
"We can exchange experiences, we can exchange knowledge, and we can share practices. And that will be a win-win situation for both parties, for tea growers, and for coffee growers," said Mr. Diaz. He thought the advanced concepts and innovative measures of Guizhou"s green economy and circular economy should be imitated, not only by other regions of China but by other countries including Colombia.
At the Chishui Bamboo National Forest Park and Jizhutang, a bamboo weaving workshop, he learned how Chishui people make full use of bamboo; at a cement plant in Zunyi, he saw how the unmanned factory operated and how the idea of the green factory was brought into reality; at Wujiang Village, he and his wife experienced the ancient paper-making, weaving, and dyeing techniques, and saw how man and nature coexisted harmoniously.
"I think the most important thing for a region that is rich in natural resources is to make the proper uses of it." Everywhere he went, Jose Diaz marveled at what he saw and heard in the area.
Undergoing a good deal of amazement, Mr. Diaz discussed cooperation opportunities with relevant personnel at each place he visited. He said, "Guizhou is a dynamic place." He hoped to bring the technology and development model here back to Colombia and enhance exchanges of students, technicians, and researchers between China and Colombia.
"Young people need to become aware of the importance of global development that is sustainable because youth is the future." And the key lies in education.
According to Mr. Diaz, education is one of the most important drives that keep society advancing. He said when addressing the opening of the dialogue that young people have unique perspectives and understandings of how society evolves, which is conducive to coping with the urgent global challenges facing the world today.
"We need to build platforms to strengthen the exchange of young people from different countries and promote better communication and interaction." According to Mr. Diaz, this will enable young people to be more capable and collaborative to participate in and contribute to global development, and practice global development initiatives more effectively to create a better world.
周璇 刘义鹏 黄怡雯 王梓艺
编辑 高鑫
编审 闵捷
“来到贵州,就像回到了家。” "IfeelathomeinGuizhou "仲春时节,哥伦比亚驻华大使馆公使何塞·迪亚兹来
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